"I ask that every aspect of my life be enhanced and abound with success.
Leave no stone unturned and no corner untouched in so doing. My life is a life that vibrates with enrichment in every breath.
Engineer success into my career, into my job searches, into my requests for promotions and pay raises, into my relationships - both business and romantic, into my mind and mouth, into all my positive habits. Reverse my negative traits.
Let the Crown I wear exist as a beacon for upwardly spiraling prosperity and good luck.
Bring me more money, more sales, more jobs, more love, more opportunities for happiness and fulfillment.
Protect me from petty jealousy, envy, misfortune. Salt the eyes of my enemies so they cannot see me thrive, and clear my every path.
If there are obstacles, I overcome them. If the deck is stacked against me, I cut it down. I sever myself from all leeches. You do not have permission to access me.
My success will not be divorced from my spirit, ever."