-Functions as a powerful money attractant that comes from some hardworking and a little luck. It helps bring success and accomplishment into our activities
-Deepens your work ethic and ability to get any numbers of tasks completed, no matter if it's professional, domestic or otherwise. Capricorn is an ambitious sign and further, the oil inspires us to be more industrious with our time.
-Use in petitions for manifesting luxury, elegance, wealth or goals of high attainment. This will help you work towards a more stable, prosperous future.
-Capricorn oil males us more economical, empowering our refusal to waste energy towards unproductive things.
-Your visionary power is augmented to inspire you to new heights in your respective professional fields.
-Brings about discipline and structure in our lives, and helps you as an individual establish authority in family matters
-Colors this oil likes: conservative or neutral colors (gray, white, brown) and red or black in matters of power
-You'll have a growing desire to seek out new interests and explore them into an incredible depth of knowledge
-Over time, Capricorn oil helps curb your self-destructive habits and turns that energy inward, towards acceptance and fulfillment