Please recite your July 2024 Affirmation (Changing Circumstances):
"Everything I need is always provided for at the right time, even if I do not see it at this moment. I release any doubts and fears of becoming financially free. I choose to trust the universe to guide me. I have access to all the resources I need to survive and thrive. I vibrate powerful, abundant, peaceful energy and attract this energy in return. I build my life on the foundation of faith, peace, love, and trust. I stand tall on the shoulders of my Ancestors. I'm open to life's opportunities. "
Suggested Oils: Golden Wall, Crown of Success, Blessings
Suggested Service(s): Brazier of Fortune or 21-Day Candle
Spiritual Exercise 1: Create a Bucket List of 25 items
Spiritual Exercise 2: 55x5 manifestation method (Write your desire 55 times a day for 5 days).
Shadow Work Reflection: Who in your life doesn't make you feel loved and valued?
Happiness Challenge: Declutter the busiest room in the house
Purge These Old Items: hair accessories, bedding, scratchy towels, mailing lists, old candles, study notes, photos, unused appliances, junk mail, dead batteries, dull nail files, purses or wallets you no longer use.